About Henrik Leth

 Henrik Leth

Born the 21st of December 1951.

Since the age of 8 I have been a keen fly-fisher and practiced fly tying.

It was very fortunate that my family owned some land (near Copenhagen) with both moors and a river. In the moor were pikes and it was here I met my first fly-pike. The pike was never landed, as his teeth were too sharp for my tippet. This episode must have been around the 1960’s.

In 1975 I moved to Randers (main-land Denmark) sole because of the excellent angling opportunities. The purposeful pike fishing started on "Glenstrup Sø" (a local lake), where in the summer I could practice "sight fishing" at shallow waters. 

In the beginning of the 80’s I wrote my first article in "FiN" on "fly-fishing for pike."

I enjoy fly-fishing for all kinds of fish, but I was in the situation of having to choose, I would prefer the pike.

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© 2023 - brakvand.dk - Henrik Leth - Skytten 130 - DK-8920 Randers